
Green Computing: A computing for sustainability

The mushrooming growth of IT industries worldwide is slowly poisoning the environment. The need of the hour is for both governments and the corporate world to join hands to usher in more green computing solutions. Green computing is the art of utilizing computing resources in an efficient and eco-friendly manner. In recent years, this practice has drawn serious attention both from environmental organization and the corporate world. In the current trend, “going green” becomes an agenda for the IT industries in terms of public relations and reduced costs. Green computing focuses on the triple bottom line of economic viability, social responsibility and environmental impact. It differs from traditional business practices that focus mainly on economic viability of a computing solution. Green computing is one of the latest fads in the digital domain. Often, its dressed up as corporate responsibility and used as a marketing tool. Corporate computer- users may talk about reducing their “Carbon- footprints” to slow global warming, but what they really mean is finding a way to slash their electricity bills.

Atul Tiwari