The yield per ha and dry matter content in leaves at harvest were improved by the application
of nitrogen as compared with control. The application of 50 kg N/ha was found to be the best
dose. The length of root, Number of leaves per plant, length of largest leaf and width of largest
leaf were increased by the application of nitrogen. The various doses of nitrogen were similar
in imparting their effect jn these respects. Therefore, the application of 50 kg nitrogen per
hectare was proved as the best dose.The parameters, i.e. diameter of root, fresh weight of root
and dry weight of tops were not affected significantly due to the application of nitrogen. The
yield q/ha, diameter of root and fresh weight of tops were improved by the application of
phosphorus when compared with control. The application of 30 kg phosphorus/ha was found
to be best dose. The maximum fresh weight of root (85.50 g/plant) was obtained by the
application of the highest doses of phosphorus (90 kg/ha). This treatment was better than
other doses in respect of length of root, fresh weight of roots dry matter content in root (%),
number of leaves, length of largest leaf and width of largest leaf. The maximum length of root
15.43 cm was recorded with the supply of 150 kg nitrogen and 90 kg phosphorus per hectare
(N3P3). The minimum length of root 8.18 cm was obtained under control. On the basis of finding
of the present study it may be concluded that under the agro-climatic conditions resembling to
that of Agra, the maximum yield of radish may be obtained by supplying 50 kg nitrogen and 30
kg phosphorus per hectare.
P.K. Karhana, Anil kumar and Rajani Chauhan