There were seven treatments comparised two concentrations each of GA
3 (75ppm and
125ppm),NAA (75ppm and 125ppm) and Sucrose (2% and 4 %) and a control (distilled water),laid
out in completely randomized design with five replications. Thereafter,the cut spikes immediately
transferred to the flask containing 500 ml vase solution and kept under laboratory condition
(temperature 27.6±1°C and R.H. 71 ± 4%).In control treatment,cut spikes were kept in distilled
water.Observations of different parameters as mentioned in Table 1 were recorded and data
were analysed statistically. The treatment of cut spikes with Sucrose 4% and GA3 125ppm
increased the fresh weight from 2nd day (117.19% and 115.72%) to 4th day (118.59% and
118.64%),but there was a decrease in fresh weight from 6th day(93.03% and 92.58% ) to the day
of senescence (57.10% and 56.65%),respectively.Both NAA concentrations and control also did
not show any significant effect on increased in fresh weight.
Pushpendra Kumar and Mahendra Rajput